On Tuesday, April 4th 2023, Chief of Staff EUFOR Brigadier General Zoltán Somogyi, joined by EUFOR Chief LNO Colonel Dr. Dezső Hajós, visited Armed Forces BiH Kozara Barracks in Banja Luka, home to Armed Forces BiH's 6th Infantry Brigade.


Colonel Rusmir Mrković, Chief of Staff Support Command Armed Forces BiH greeted Brigadier General Somogyi, who acquired a comprehensive overview of the brigade's capabilities and situation from the Chief of Staff of the 6th Infantry Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Nikola Ištuk during his visit.

In the afternoon Brigadier General Zoltán Somogyi and Ambassador Dr. Gábor Horváth met with Deputy OHR Dr. László Márkusz and they discussed several topics regarding the current situation in BiH.

The day ended with a troop inspection to the Romanian LOT House, where the Slovenian Liaison Observation Team was welcomed.

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