Yesterday, 27 Apr, COM EUFOR met with a delegation from the South Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG), led by their Commander BG Evangelos MITROUTSIKOS. SEEBRIG is a Brigade size formation established by seven participating nations (currently 6 contributing nations) in order to contribute to regional security, stability and further enhance cooperation in the conduct of Peace Support, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Operations.

COM EUFOR meets with delegation from the South Eastern Europe Brigade

The Force is available for UN or OSCE-mandated missions, including EU-led Conflict Prevention and Peace Support Operations (

The SEEBRIG delegation received a wide range of briefs from the staff of EUFOR HQ, including a brief on EUFOR’s Reserve Force Concept and contingency planning. There was detailed discussion between COM EUFOR and COM SEEBRIG regarding the possibilities of enhancing cooperation and the potential of combined exercises between the two HQs.

The opportunities created by SEEBRIG’s mission as an “on-call” land force for Peace Support Operations were explored. Both Commanders agreed to investigate the possibility of enhancing the relationship between their respective HQs.

COM EUFOR meets with delegation from the South Eastern Europe Brigade