Thursday, April 25, 2024


On 24th January COMEUFOR, Major General Martin Dorfer, visited LOT house Bratunac to receive updates and meet new staff members.
LOT house commander, Captain Gernot Marschnig of the Austrian Army, welcomed COMEUFOR and introduced him to the 8-man team.


Captain Marschnig has been the LOT house commander in Bratunac for just 2 weeks; he briefed COMEUFOR on local election results, the daily liaison with local the local police commander, local employment issues and strikes, and an assessment of the migrancy issue in the border areas.

When asked about COMEUFOR's visit, Captain Marschnig said: "It is a great opportunity to welcome COMEUFOR to LOT house Bratunac, and to brief him personally on our work here."

COMEUFOR thanked the team for their hospitality and praised the team for their efforts to identify issues that will affect the area in the future such as local investment in technical education and the National Park areas.

There are 17 EUFOR LOT houses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, manned by 7 different troop contributing nations; COM regularly visits all of the LOT houses in order to meet the teams on the ground.

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